论文题目:U-Net: Convolutional Networks for Biomedical Image Segmentation
作者提出一个基于FCN改进的U型结构的网络(U-net)和一个依赖strong use of data augment
论文题目:Assisted Excitation of Activations: A Learning Technique to Improve Object Detectors(CVPR2019)论文下载: 点击下载
摘要:在训练过程中,加入定位信息。可是提升yolov2 map 3.8个点, y
论文题目:Automatic detection of early gastric cancer in endoscopic images using a transferring convolutional neural network
摘要: Accuracy :87.6% heat map
论文题目:Application of artificial intelligence using a convolutional neural network for detecting gastric cancer in endoscopic images论文下载: 点击下载